Premier Inn Abu Dhabi International Airport Hotel

Premier Inn Abu Dhabi International Airport Hotel

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi Intl Airport Opposite Terminals 1 & 3,
Abu Dhabi view on map
Premier Inn Abu Dhabi International Airport is directly accessible after Arrivals Passport Control via the air conditioned Skypark walkway in Terminals 1&3. The hotel features free Wi-Fi in all areas, stunning views from the roof-top swimming pool, a fully equipped gym, bar, a-la carte restaurant, evening Room Service and a 24hr Costa Coffee outlet. All bedrooms have a flat screen TV, individually adjustable air conditioning, a mini cooler, tea & coffee making facilities, work area and en-suite bathrooms with a bathtub and overhead shower. Early check-in is available subject a supplement and availability on arrival. The hotel provides a complimentary drop off shuttle service to all the main attractions including Yas Island for Ferrari World; Yas Mall, Waterworld and the public beach plus Sheikh Zayed Grand MosqueThe hotel is located just a 25 minute drive from central Abu Dhabi.

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