Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham Abu Dhabi City Center

Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham Abu Dhabi City Center

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Junction of Salaam Street
Abu Dhabi view on map
Hawthorn suites by Wyndham Abu Dhabi  is offering 136 elegant and beautifully furnished guest rooms as well as spacious one bedroom and two bedroom suites with fully equipped kitchens. 16 Twin Rooms, 40 Deluxe one Bedroom Suite 24 Superior Suites,56 Deluxe Rooms .The hotel is overlooking the Arabian see. Only few minutes away from the main business district in Abu Dhabi and walking distance from Corniche Beach,5 min away from the heritage souk market and world trade center mall. 30 min to                     Abu Dhabi Airport and Yas Island, 10 min away from Saadiyat Island and Saadiyat beach. Our flexible meeting rooms cater for any events and can accommodate up to 80 guest in different set up configuration. Our team will attend every detail to ensure your event or business gatherings is another success story. Hotel Facilities: Executive lounge, Business Center, 3 specialty restaurants as Lavender all day dinning,CasaGoa- Authentic Goan food and Southern Comfort- South indian restaurant.*

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