Sheraton Khalidiya Hotel Abu Dhabi

Sheraton Khalidiya Hotel Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
6727, Zayed the First Street, Khalidiya, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Zayed The First Street, Khalidiya Area. view on map
LocationThe hotel is located near the shopping and commercial districts, as well as several embassies and local attractions.FacilitiesThe hotel features 262 accommodation units. Guests can use the lift for quick and comfortable access to the upper floors. Services and facilities at the hotel include currency exchange facilities, a restaurant, a bar, room service, a laundry, a hairdressing salon and a conference room. Guests arriving in their own vehicles can park in the car park.RoomsAll rooms feature air conditioning and a bathroom. Extra beds can be requested. A safe and a minibar also feature. The accommodation units offer a range of amenities, including tea and coffee making equipment. An ironing set is also available to guests. Internet access, a telephone, a TV and a radio are provided for guests' convenience. In each of the bathrooms, guests will find a shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer.Sports/EntertainmentThe hotel offers an outdoor pool. Leisure options at the hotel include a gym, a spa, a sauna and a steam bath, or for a fee, a beauty salon. MealsBreakfast is bookable as a board option.
From the date of: 31/05/2016 City Tax payable directly at the hotel.

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