Aloft Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Near Centre view on map
Feel the vibe from the moment you check in at Aloft Abu Dhabi Hotel. A modern, fresh and fun destination with a savvy design and free-flowing energy where you can celebrate your style in the unique openness of a no-walls, no limit space. Now it's easier than ever to stay in shape on the road; puts the pep back in your step. Brings a new twist in travel to the Abu Dhabi Hotels. Easy breezy adventures await, offering free Wi-fi, outdoor rooftop pool and ever abuzz Bars & Restaurants. Aloft Abu Dhabi Hotel creates the ideal hub for a perfect business hotel in Abu Dhabi for your next visit to UAE's capital. Location:Located in ADNEC Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre and just a short spin away from Abu Dhabi Airport and Abu Dhabi'scity sights.

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Hotel facilities

  • Restaurant
  • Laundry Service
  • Pets Allowed
  • Non smoking rooms
  • Business Center
  • Valet Parking
  • Fitness Center
  • Pool

Room facilities

May include:,

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