Grand Continental Flamingo Hot

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Hamdan Street, Near Al Jazeera Towe, view on map
The hotel is conveniently located in the heart of the city and just a short walk from the corniche. The hotel owners have designed the spacious suites and rooms to provide a stunning view of the Gulf and Khalifa Gardens, besides offering easy access to the commercial and business centres.The rooms are medium in size and fully air conditioned, soundproof, with mini bar, colour television with international satellite entertainment channels and direct dial telephones.There are three restaurants in the hotel and so good options are available.It's a tall, white modern building.The elegant lobby is small with marble flooring and the reception is in the centre. To the left of the reception there is casual seating.Hotel services are 24 hour room service, valet parking, laundry service, car rental and limousine service, shopping and sightseeing. All floors are wheelchair accessible to facilitate the movement of disabled guests.TM 12.08
From the date of: 31/05/2016 City Tax payable directly at the hotel.

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