Romano Palace

Acapulco, Mexico
Near Playa Condesa view on map
Tripadvisor Score: 2.5
The Romano Palace Hotel is located in the hert of the Condesa district of Acapulco, a few steps from the popular Playa Condesa, with easy access to its golden sands, gentle waves and beach services for guest. Romano Palace Hotel is among a wide selection of restaurants, bars and shops. Only a few miles east, visitors will find a golf course, convention center and El Rollo waterpark. Among the services of this Acapulco hotel: parking, and meeting rooms for up to 200 guests. We have 267 rooms ( with 2 double beds or 1 king size bed) which are equipped with independient air conditioning, telephone, cable TV, private balcony ant toiletries. Our Neptune Restaurant offers Mexican dishes and regional food or our breakfast buffet, lunch and donner menu. Completely family enviroment, the hours of 07:00 am to 22:00, room service from 07:00 to 21:00 hrs.

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