African Regent Hotel

Accra, Ghana
North Airport Road, Dzorwulu, Airport West,237/238
Lying at the heart of Airport West in Accra, this wonderful hotel revels in its prestigious setting. The hotel is located just a short distance away from the Accra Shopping Centre and the Silver Bird Cinema. Guests will find themselves within easy access of the Tetteh Quarshie Art Market. This wonderful hotel enjoys a contemporary design, blending it effortlessly with intriguing elements of traditional African style. The guest rooms enjoy a traditional, African-inspired design, bathing visitors in the rich culture of the surroundings. The rooms exude regal elegance, and come complete with modern amenities for added comfort and convenience. Guests are invited to enjoy a delectable breakfast in the mornings, for a great start to the day. The ideal option for business and leisure travellers alike, this hotel will not fail to impress.

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