Patras Palace

Achaea (Region), Greece
Waterfront/beach view on map
Tripadvisor Score: 4.0
Idyllically situated at the heart of Patras, this upscale hotel offers the perfect setting from which guests can explore the stunning cultural and historical attractions the area has to offer. Situated within easy walking distance of the port, this charming hotel commands stunning views over the Gulf of Patras and the mountain. Guests will find themselves just 9 km from Rion-Antirion Bridge, 30 km from the seaside town of Aigio, and 24 km from the picturesque town of Nafpaktos. The exciting shopping district of Patras lies within walking distance of the hotel. This delightful hotel welcomes guests with refined elegance and traditional Greek hospitality. The guest rooms are beautifully appointed, featuring a sophisticated style, refreshing tones and modern amenities. The hotel offers a selection of excellent facilities for guests' enjoyment and convenience.

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