Parque De Las Americas

Parque De Las Americas

Adeje, Spain
HOTEL: This renovated complex in 2004, has 70 apartments and 2 floors. It has a reception, a café, a bar, a restaurant and a TV room. For an additional charge cost offers internet and a launderette. SITUATION: This complex Costa Adeje it is in is situated in Tenerife the south coast of 100 metres away, guests can find the beach, is located close to Playa de las Américas the city centre of in the surrounding area of the establishment, guests can find shops, bars, restaurants and a public transport stop. Tenerife Sur it is situated 16 kilometres away from 95 kilometres away from Tenerife Norte Airport. ROOM: The establishment has modern style apartments with a bathroom, a kitchen, a fridge, an oven, a microwave and a terrace. For an extra charge, guests can use the television and the safe. FACILITIES: Outdoors, guests have access to a pool that has a children's area, deck chairs, parasols and a snack bar. For an extra charge, the establishment offers a gym, ping pong and billiards. OBSERVATIONS: Is not suitable for people of reduced mobility.

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