Les Omayades

Agadir, Morocco
Agadir view on map
The hotel is located about 800 m from the beach and at a 5- minute walk from the town centre. Links to the public transport network are within about 1 km and Agadir-Al Massira Airport is approximately 28 kms away. It offers all the necessary facilities and services for a pleasant stay. Composed of separate buildings named after cities of the Sahara, it is built in traditional Moroccan style and is surrounded by flowered patios and breath-taking fountains. Guests may dine in the restaurant or enjoy a drink at the bar. Those arriving by car may leave their vehicle in the car park. The rooms offer refined decoration in a traditional Moroccan style. The floors are covered with pink marble. In addition to an en-suite bathroom, each room is provided with a balcony or loggia with a view of the gardens. Leisure options include a swimming pool, as well as various sport and SPA facilities.

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