Hotel Oasis

Agadir, Morocco
Rue Granada
Agadir view on map
This luxurious and high-class hotel boasts a great location not far away from Agadir's city centre and a few steps from the white sandy beach, ideal for leisurely walks by the sea under the warm sun. Thanks to its great facilities and wonderful location, this is a perfect choice of accommodation for everyone visiting this area with many hidden treasures to be discovered. The tastefully appointed and well-equipped accommodation units are all conveniently designed to provide a comfortable and relaxed stay, with all conceivable amenities for a relaxing and up-scale experience. Guests can enjoy marble en-suite bathrooms with everything necessary and large, comfortable beds for a restorative night's sleep. Every morning guests can choose to work out at the state-of-the-art fitness room and then enjoy a refreshing swim at the fantastic outdoor swimming pool.

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