Elpida Village

Agios Nikolaos (Crete), Greece
Main Street, 72100, Istron, GREECE
The Elpida Village is built amphitheatrically on the slopes of a hill, near the village of Kalo Horio, amidst savage vegetation and landscaped gardens overlooking the sea of Mirabello Bay and olive groves. The Elpida Village has an old Cretan village style, with stone covered walkways and extensive use of local materials, central village square with sitting area under the shade of a giant tree, as most Cretan villages have. It is where locals gather for a drink and company, and a similar feeling is achieved here with guests, as it is the meeting place of old and new friends. The main restaurant offers authentic Cretan dishes based on Cretan products and recipes (including herbs and spices organically grown at the property) as well as international cuisine. The traditional coffee shop - a village meeting place of men mostly in the past - with stunning sea views offers Greek coffee and spirits, prepared and served the old fashioned way. The Greek tavern with a wood-fired oven and coal BBQ offers another traditional Greek experience. It's where the cooking lessons also take place during the day by local women teaching authentic Greek recipes. The Elpida Village is near shops, bars and taverns that can be found on the main road of the Istron area just below. Only 800 meters away are Agios Panteleimonas bay and the famous Golden Beach of Voulisma with its turquoise waters and white sand (free shuttle bus to/from the beaches several times per day). The hotel offers different type of rooms all decorated and furnished in a Cretan rustic fashion with a fresh twist. However, Elpida Village features modern amenities combined with this unique aesthetic. In addition, the staff offers the well-known Cretan hospitality, which makes guests feel the Elpida Village as a second home away from home.

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