Best Western Plus Ajaccio Amiraute Hotel & Residence

Best Western Plus Ajaccio Amiraute Hotel & Residence

Ajaccio, France
Boulevard Georges Pompidou,20
Ajaccio view on map
The Best Western Plus® Ajaccio Amiraute is ideally located close to the Congress Center, the harbour, the city center, and the airport. With its exceptional view over the sea, this property, will offer you all of the best, three star services: solarium terrace, heated swimming-pool (from March until November), private covered garage, Wi-Fi access, conference hall, business corner, office, restaurant, front desk and snacks 24 hours. We invite you to visit Ajaccio, Bonaparte House, Imperial Chapel, Fesch Museum, the wonderful Gulf of Ajaccio, with more than 20 kilometers of white fine sand, and Filitosa, Piana, Scandola, Bonifacio and Porto-Vecchio.

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