Green Garden Apart Hotel

Green Garden Apart Hotel

Alanya, Turkey
9 4. SOK. , ALANYA , TR
Near Centre view on map
2 adults
There are a total of 273 rooms on the premises. This popular hotel is ideal for both business travellers and holidaymakers. The front desk offers 24-hour reception. Lift access is available to guests for added convenience. Guests can shop at the handy minimarket for any last-minute needs or forgotten toothbrushes. There is a shop on the premises. Some rooms overlook the Hotel 's beautiful garden. The Hotel provides a key collection service. The Hotel offers a laundry service. There is a launderette available for long-term stays. Guests can make use of the medical service in case of illness. The Hotel offers a bicycle hire service. There is a gym on the premises for guest convenience. Guests can make use of the airport transfer service. Multilingual staff is available to help guests with any queries or service bookings. Security is provided 24 hours a day.

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