Kirman Hotels Leodikya Resort

Kirman Hotels Leodikya Resort

Alanya, Turkey
Alanya area view on map
This hotel is located between Alanya and Manavgat on one of the best Turkish beaches, called Karaburun. The hotel is 23 km from Manavgat, 37 km from Alanya, and 85 km from Antalya Airport. The air-conditioned hotel comprises a total of 242 rooms. Guests are welcomed into an elegant and spacious reception hall with 24-hour reception and check out service. Facilities include a shopping centre, a disco and a variety of dining options. Additionally, the hotel offers conference facilities, a currency exchange, and a laundry service. Each en suite room comes fully-equipped as standard including a satellite/cable TV, a minibar and individually regulated air conditioning and heating. The hotel offers a main outdoor swimming pool with pool-side bar, spa treatment and a broad range of sport options.

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