Quality Inn Central

Albany, United States Of America
1632 CENTRAL AVE., ALBANY, NY, 12205, US
Near Airport view on map
Conveniently located with easy access to Interstate 87 and Interstate 90, the Quality Inn Central is only five kilometres from the Albany International Airport and the University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY University at Albany). Popular attractions near this Albany, NY hotel include the Saratoga Race Course horse racing venue, Times Union Center indoor arena, and the Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC), summer host of the New York City Ballet and the Philadelphia Orchestra. After a busy day, guests may relax in the indoor pool and hot tub, and are invited to take advantage of the fitness room. Business travellers will appreciate the spacious work areas and fax machine access, and there is a meeting room available for most events and business functions.

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