Cheerfulway Minichoro Apartamentos

Cheerfulway Minichoro Apartamentos

Albufeira, Portugal
Rua Jose Afonso, Lt23 - Apartado 1059 - 8200-351 Montechoro, Alb
Rua Jose Alfonso B view on map
With a fabulous location in the center of the Montechoro tourist area, where you can find a wide range of restaurants, bars and handicraft shops, it is also just a few minutes away from the famous beaches of Albufeira and the best nightlife in the Algarve. The Cheerfulway Minichoro development offers excellent conditions for rest and fun, with different types of apartments, furnished and equipped, with kitchen and bathroom, satellite TV, direct telephone, safe and large balconies. It also has a snack bar, swimming pools for adults and children and a free minibus to the center, three times a day.
From the date of: 27/02/2018 From the date of: 28/02/2018 City tax of 2 EUR per night and per person (maximum 7 nights) Children under 13 don't pay the tax. Direct payment at the hotel.

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