Eden Village by Garvetur

Albufeira, Portugal
Avenida Do Parque
Vilamoura view on map
This family-friendly apartment hotel is situated in a tranquil setting and offers the perfect getaway for all visitors of Algarve. Nestled in the peaceful area of Vilamoura it is just 500 metres from the nearest bars, public transport links, park and shops. All golf lovers will appreciate the nearby course, while those who prefer water sports will have to make the 5-minute drive to the nearest beach. The popular Quarteira and Falesia beaches are just 2km and besides fantastic sunbathing opportunities are a true hubs for nightlife. Guests can also take advantage of the onsite swimming pool or relax in the lush green gardens around the property. The hotel itself offers outstanding facilities for those who enjoy the independent lifestyle. The fully - equipped kitchens are ideal for preparing all kinds of meals, while the spacious terraces can be the perfect venue for a romantic dinner.

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