Garvetur Encosta Da Orada Apartments

Garvetur Encosta Da Orada Apartments

Albufeira, Portugal
1.5 Km From The Beach And The Old Town view on map
This apartment hotel is perched on a slope setting in Albufeira, overlooking the sea and the marina. Enjoying its peaceful surroundings, this complex affords guests the best of both worlds, lying just a short distance away from the bustle of the town centre. Guests will find themselves within easy access of a host of shopping, dining and entertainment opportunities. This charming establishment features tastefully-designed apartments, which offer a relaxing, peaceful setting in which to completely unwind in comfort. The property features a wide range of facilities and services, meeting the leisure needs of every type of traveller. Guests can enjoy a leisurely swim in the salt-water swimming pools, or simply enjoy a stroll around the green areas, for a serene experience.

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