Hotel Alba

Albufeira, Portugal
Rua 1, Lote 3 Alameda da India 8900 – 332 Monte Gordo, PT
Monte Gordo view on map
This charming beach aparthotel is located in the leisure district of Montegordo on the renowned Algarve. The complex is situated just 300 metres away from the sprawling kilometre-long sandy beach, Faro Airport is less than 18 kilometers away, along which guests can enjoy leisurely strolls or simply lie back and revel in the natural beauty of the surroundings. Restaurants, shops and exciting entertainment venues are to be found in the vicinity and the nearest bus stop is located just 200 metres from the complex. Guests will appreciate the complex's excellent leisure and dining facilities, which ensure an enjoyable experience. The guest rooms are tastefully decorated and offer a veritable home away from home to which to relax and unwind in comfort at the end of the day.

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