Da Aldeia

Albufeira, Portugal
Av. Sá Carneiro AV, 8200-291 Albufeira, Portugal
Near Center-praia Da Oura view on map
Albufeira is synonymous with two things - vacations and fun! But if the fun sounds like something to adults, forget it, because the Hotel da Aldeia reigns the little ones. It is the ideal hotel to be with children, not only for being central, but also for the various services available for the little ones. It's the perfect family vacation, with space for everyone, no hassles! Just 500 meters from Oura Beach, Hotel da Aldeia offers 133 rooms all with a balcony, garden and two swimming pools for adults and children. This, of course not to mention the restaurants and bars and car park. Situated less than 600 meters from the beach, in the center of Oura and all local entertainment, you will find our hotel. The perfect place to get away from the daily hustle and bustle of major cities.

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