
Albufeira, Portugal
Rua Ramalho Ortigão (Rua da Praia da Oura), S/N
Albufeira view on map
2 adults
This nice apartments are located in Oura Beach, Albufeira, at the centre of Algarve. With a superb location, the apartments are only at 1 minute walk from the beach, 300 metres from the famous "Strip", where guests can enjoy the vibrant night life with a lot of bars and restaurants, and only 4 kilometres from Albufeira city centre. Any kind of store and supermarket are a short distance on foot away. Faro International Airport is 24 kilometres away and the Albufeira train station and the new bus station are 4 kilometres away. Its golden beaches, deep blue sea, the transparent sun and mild weather are an irresistible invitation to visit Albufeira. There are several categories of apartments, but all of them are completely appointed and boast a charming Mediterranean look. Moreover, most of them have direct or partial sea views. There is also a fantastic outdoor pool for a refreshing dip.

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