Vale Da Telha

Albufeira, Portugal
Aljezur view on map
Hotel Vale da Telha is located in the Natural Park Vincentian Coast on the east coast of the Algarve in Lagos, the capital of the county. The hotel is just 2 km from the beaches of Arrifana (famous for its excellent conditions for the practice of surfing) and Monte Cleric, about 7 km from the beaches of Mulberry and Vale Figueira and 5 km from the center of Aljezur. Bordeira beaches, Amado and Odeceixe, among others, are also magnificent. It is 500 meters from the junction of Route Vincentian. Small and quiet, this hotel is the ideal place to relax and an excellent base for exploring the breathtaking beauty of the Natural Park with its romantic Vincentian Coast dunes and endless beaches of fine golden sand. Vale da Telha is the perfect destination for those seeking a natural, warm and welcoming, the sun. Unlike most hotels along the southern coast of the Algarve, this hotel was renovated, offers a unique blend of modernity, comfort and the combined functionality of a typical image of the Algarve.

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