
Albufeira, Portugal
Lagos/praia Da Luz view on map
Specially designed for families, this lovely hotel is in Praia da Luz. Situated within 1000 metres from the town centre, the accommodation is easily accessible on foot to a host of places of interest. The establishment is just a short walk from the main entertainment areas. Customers can find the nearest golf course within 2. 0 kilometre(s) from the hotel. Within 30 metres customers will find links of transport that will allow them to explore the area. The nearest beach is within 1. 1 kilometre(s) from the property. The establishment is within 7. 0 kilometre(s) from the harbour. The premises count with 28 welcoming units. This hotel was revamped in 2004. Residencial Vilamar offers Wi-Fi internet connection in communal areas. No pets are allowed on the premises. Customers arriving by car may leave their vehicle at the accommodation's parking spaces. Residencial Vilamar offers airport transfer service. Customers may work out and keep active during their stay thanks to the sport facilities and activities offered. The accommodation's entertainment was designed to amuse all kinds of travellers. The hotel may charge a fee for some services.

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