Villa Termal das Caldas de Monchique Spa Resort

Villa Termal das Caldas de Monchique Spa Resort

Algarve, Portugal
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2 adults
This stunning resort resembles a white village nestled among the Monchique Hills. The hotel is situated just 20 kms from the Algarve and the shimmering waters of the Atlantic Sea. Guests will find themselves surrounded by intrinsic natural beauty, enjoying a calming sense of serenity and peace. Set amidst luxuriant greenery, this stunning hotel allows guests to be at one with nature. Guests will be impressed by the spectacular architectural design of the hotel, which allures them into the elegant surroundings of the lobby. The beautiful guest rooms feature elegant designs, embracing the timeless style of the 18th and 19th centuries. The hotel provides a rejuvenating Spa which uses thermal waters for its treatments for the ultimate in invigoration and indulgence.

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