Hotel Albahía

Alicante, Spain
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2 adults
Calle Sol Naciente 6 03016 AlicanteHOTEL ALBAHIA IS LOCATED IN THE FRONT OF THE SEA AND ONLY 5 MIN AWAY FROM ALICANTE CITY CENTERHOTEL ALBAHIA IS LOCATED IN THE FRONT OF THE SEA AND ONLY 5 MIN AWAY FROM ALICANTE CITY CENTERCheck-in: 16. 00h / Check-out: 12. 00hHOTEL ALBAHIA IS LOCATED IN THE FRONT OF THE SEA AND ONLY 5 MIN AWAY FROM ALICANTE CITY CENTERThe Hotel Albahia is located in a privileged enclave facing the sea and just 5 minutes from the center of the city of Alicante. Located in front of a cove with direct access to the sea, between Alicante and San JuanThe hotel is located in front of the sea, with impressive coves around, and close to the city center of Alicante1 meeting room with sea views10% IVAnot allowedIt has 1 buffet restaurant and 1 barRestaurante Buffet 2 BEDS 105X200 OR QUEEN BED TELEPHONE WITH DIRECT DIAL WRITING TABLE WITH CHAIR AIRCONDITIONING SMART TV 55 WITH SATELLITE CHANNELS SAFE MINIBAR TEA COFFE MAKER WARDROBE FULL EQUIPED BATHROOM HAIR DRYER MAGNIFYING MIRROR. BATH AMENITIES. SWIMMING POOL. FREE WI-FI. TENNIS COURTS. GYM. LAUNDRY. PARKING. LUGGAGE ROOM. BUFFET RESTAURANT. FREE WI-FI CONCIERGE LAUNDRY EXTRA CHARGE LUGGAGE ROOM WAKE UP CALL POOL TOWEL UNDER DEPOSIT AIRPORT SHUTTEL EXTRA CHARGE TOURIST INFORMATIONTENIS COURTS. SPORT ENTERTAINMENT. GOLF. MOUNTAIN BIKE ROUTES. CULTURAL VISITS. Get on N-332 to Avenida Villajoyosa, take exit to Albufereta/San Juan, drive to Carrer Sol NacienteThe hotel has paid parking. There is also free parking nearby. ES44 0182 4581 7402 0152 7588Centro Comercial Plaza Mar 2Occidental AlicanteAccess and rooms accessibleThe Albahía hotel is located in front of the sea, with impressive coves around it, and close to the urban center of Alicante. It has 9 tennis courts and an outdoor pool. Outdoor Pool with solarium / Tennis courts/ gymTeatro principal Alicante 10 minutes away. Casino of Alicante very close to the hotelCalle Sol Naciente 6 03016 AlicanteHOTEL ALBAHIA IS LOCATED IN THE FRONT OF THE SEA AND ONLY 5 MIN AWAY FROM ALICANTE CITY CENTERHOTEL ALBAHIA IS LOCATED IN THE FRONT OF THE SEA AND ONLY 5 MIN AWAY FROM ALICANTE CITY CENTERCheck-in: 16. 00h / Check-out: 12. 00hHOTEL ALBAHIA IS LOCATED IN THE FRONT OF THE SEA AND ONLY 5 MIN AWAY FROM ALICANTE CITY CENTERThe Hotel Albahia is located in a privileged enclave facing the sea and just 5 minutes from the center of the city of Alicante. Located in front of a cove with direct access to the sea, between Alicante and San JuanThe hotel is located in front of the sea, with impressive coves around, and close to the city center of Alicante1 meeting room with sea views10% IVAnot allowedIt has 1 buffet restaurant and 1 barRestaurante Buffet 2 BEDS 105X200 OR QUEEN BED TELEPHONE WITH DIRECT DIAL WRITING TABLE WITH CHAIR AIRCONDITIONING SMART TV 55 WITH SATELLITE CHANNELS SAFE MINIBAR TEA COFFE MAKER WARDROBE FULL EQUIPED BATHROOM HAIR DRYER MAGNIFYING MIRROR. BATH AMENITIES. SWIMMING POOL. FREE WI-FI. TENNIS COURTS. GYM. LAUNDRY. PARKING. LUGGAGE ROOM. BUFFET RESTAURANT. FREE WI-FI CONCIERGE LAUNDRY EXTRA CHARGE LUGGAGE ROOM WAKE UP CALL POOL TOWEL UNDER DEPOSIT AIRPORT SHUTTEL EXTRA CHARGE TOURIST INFORMATIONTENIS COURTS. SPORT ENTERTAINMENT. GOLF. MOUNTAIN BIKE ROUTES. CULTURAL VISITS. Get on N-332 to Avenida Villajoyosa, take exit to Albufereta/San Juan, drive to Carrer Sol NacienteThe hotel has paid parking. There is also free parking nearby. ES44 0182 4581 7402 0152 7588Centro Comercial Plaza Mar 2Occidental AlicanteAccess and rooms accessibleThe Albahía hotel is located in front of the sea, with impressive coves around it, and close to the urban center of Alicante. It has 9 tennis courts and an outdoor pool. Outdoor Pool with solarium / Tennis courts/ gymTeatro principal Alicante 10 minutes away. Casino of Alicante very close to the hotel

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