Sercotel Spa Porta Maris

Sercotel Spa Porta Maris

Alicante, Spain
Waterfront view on map
The Exe Spa Porta Maris Hotel is located in Alicante, between the Postiguet Beach and the Sports Harbour, 100 meters from the old town and the Historical Center of the city. The hotel offers magnificent sea views in all their places. The hotel has 141 spacious and modern guest rooms, terrace with views over the harbour or the bay. All equipped with AC, telephone, LCD TV, minibar, desk, fully-bathroom and a pillow menu. It offers free coffee from 5:30 to 7:30 for early risers. The hotel has gym, Wellness Center with a Spa circuit (extra charge) and a wide variety of treatments. The Spa includes Jacuzzi, indoor swimming pool, a thermal circuit, steam room and Scottish shower. It also offers 6 meeting rooms, distributed in 800m2 modular rooms, perfectly equipped with free Wi-Fi and natural light. Also has a restaurant Marabierta, offer viewa to sea and mediterranean cuisine.

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