Aparthotel Era Park

Alicante (Province), Spain
Near Centre view on map
Offering a familiar and cosy atmosphere, with an ideal location in the historic centre of Benidorm, this friendly apartment complex is a perfect choice to spend a pleasant vacation with family or friends in one of the most popular tourist destinations in Spain. At just a 10-minute walk from the beach, and close to many local attractions, the residence prides itself in offering spacious and comfortable apartments with a beautiful view to the Mediterranean Coast and the historic city centre. Each apartment comes with air-conditioning, a separate living room and a fully-equipped kitchen where travellers can prepare their own meals. During the day, guests may go for a walk on the beach, a tour through the city or just enjoy a relaxing moment on the outdoor swimming pool, equipped with sun loungers as well as a bar offering refreshing drinks and light snacks. Other hotel services include a 24-hour reception, private parking and Wi-Fi upon request.

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