Hotel Goya

Alicante (Province), Spain
San Vicente Ferrer, 69, 3330, Crevillente, ES
Alicante view on map
HOTEL: This hotel was built in 1975, renovated in 2004, has 4 floors, 84 rooms, 5 single rooms and 79 double rooms. Guests have access to a hall with a lift, a reception, a safety deposit box service and a conference room internet. Guests also have access to a café, a bar and an à la carte restaurant. Guests will be able to use a laundry service, a medical care service and a car park (for a fee). SITUATION: This hotel is situated in Alicante 30 kilometres away, you can find Terra Mitica 400 metres away, clients have shops and leisure areas. It is situated in front of public transport services. ROOM: All the rooms have a bathroom, a direct line telephone, a safe, fitted carpets and central heating. PAYMENT METHODS: The establishment accepts American Express, Visa and Mastercard. OTHERS: Regarding the food and beverage offering, clients have a buffet restaurant and a set-menu lunch and dinner.

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