H2 Elche

Alicante (Province), Spain
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The hotel is located only 2.5 km from the centre of Elche. Its strategic location allows easy access to the urban centre as well as to the train station and to the motorway. The best beaches can be reached in less than 20 minutes. Alicante Airport is approximately 17 km from the hotel. Guests are welcomed in the lobby, which offers a 24hr reception, a safe and lift access to upper floors. Guests can relax in the TV lounge and enjoy a drink at the cafe and bar. A laundry service, meeting rooms and a covered car park are available. The rooms are wide and come with parquet flooring. Guests can look forward to a good night's rest on their double or king-size bed. Rooms come equipped with a TV with satellite channels, Wi-Fi and a minibar, as well as air conditioning and heating. The nearest golf course is approximately 20 km from the hotel. The hotel serves a continental breakfast buffet.

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