Port Fiesta Park

Alicante (Province), Spain
Near Centre view on map
This charming beach hotel is situated just 800 metres away from the vibrant tourist centre of the Spanish resort of Benidorm. Guests will find themselves just 300 metres away a variety of delightful restaurants, lively bars and colourful shops, while Poniente beach is just 600 metres from the hotel. Visitors will appreciate the modern style of the hotel and the comfortable, convenient accommodation options. Many of the guest rooms features a balcony or terrace, bathing the surroundings in natural light and creating a soothing sense of peace and tranquility. The hotel features a host of recreational and leisure facilities which are sure to appeal to every member of the family. Travellers can enjoy disco music and live shows in the lounge bar and can dance the night away, creating unforgettable memories.

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