TRYP Ciudad de Elche Hotel

Alicante (Province), Spain
Near Santa Maria Basilica view on map
This urban hotel enjoys a fabulous location in the heart of Elche, offering easy reach of the major local attractions such as the Basilica of Santa María, the Municipal Park, the Jardines Huerto del Cura, the Congress Centre, the Archaeology and History Museum of Elche as well as the main shopping area of the city, the best restaurants and the hot spots of Elche. This stylish establishment is sure to impress visitors with its elegant design and attention to detail. The carefully designed rooms are spacious and comfortable, affording visitors a complete escape for senses. Every morning guests may start their day with wholesome and flavourful buffet-style breakfast and enjoy a cup of delicious coffee or a refreshing drink from the welcoming 24-hour bar. Business people may avail for a functional meeting room while those arriving by car may make use of the nearby parking.

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