Dona Filipa Hotel

Almancil, Portugal
Av. do Mar, Vale do Lobo
Vale do Lobo view on map
This upscale hotel reveals itself amidst beautiful natural scenery of Vale do Lobo, situated at 8 km from Quarteira. Within a short stroll from the seemingly endless sandy beach, extensive golf courses and the romantic centre Vale do Lobo, included in the Algarve's Golden Triangle, comprising the most affluent tourist areas of the Algarve. This opulent complex showcases a wide range of accommodation options ranging from rooms and suites to more spacious penthouses. The rooms feature elegant décor with floral elements while suites and penthouses offer stylish furnishings and rich fabrics, all of them come complete with cutting edge amenities to ensure a fully enjoyable stay. The unique dining venues offer exceptional cuisine and the finest wines to satisfy even the most discerning palates. The resort features a large kids' club and paddling pool with a shaded terrace for the comfort of the youngest ones, while the adults may take a refreshing dip in the shimmering pool, play tennis or relax in the spa. There is also a business centre and a charming beach club.

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