Lakeside Country Club

Almancil, Portugal
Quinta do Lago view on map
Situated in the heart of Quinta do Lago, practically within the Ria Formosa Natural Park, this exquisite property benefits from tranquillity and lush green landscapes of pine forests and crystalline lakes, and offers to guests from all over the world a wide variety of leisure and entertainment options throughout the whole year. Tourists can start the day with a tasty breakfast and a cup of coffee and take a plunge in the pool, before heading out for a day of fun and excitement. The nearest beach is only a 5-minute drive away, and the lake with a choice of water sports options – just 700 metres away. The nearby restaurants serve superb fresh fish, seafood and other dishes, but guests can dine at the excellent on-site restaurant as well. The hotel's timetable is from 09:00 a.m. until 06:00 p.m.. If you intend to arrive after 06:00 p.m., please contact the hotel as soon as possible, so that the automatic check-in instructions can be sent to you

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