
Amalfi, Italy
Furore/ 5 Km Southwest From Amalfi view on map
From its panoramic position 450 m above sea level and nestled into the hills, Hotel Bacco is a small, cozy, 3-star structure offering breathtaking views of the Amalfi Coast. A peaceful, secluded haven, Hotel Bacco is surrounded by vineyards and flowered gardens. For nature lovers, the hotel is within easy reach of the famous Sentiero degli Dei (The Trail of the Gods) and many hiking paths. With its free, private car park, Hotel Bacco is a great base for independently exploring the rich surroundings, and is conveniently set between Positano, Praiano and Ravello. Alternatively, public buses for Amalfi stop regularly in front of the hotel. Bus tours will help you admire this unique and renowned zone and the hotel's friendly staff can suggest itineraries and assist you with booking excursions. Hotel Bacco provides a welcoming atmosphere where you can enjoy individually designed rooms. Here you can rest in simplicity and comfort, with each room featuring lovely panoramas of this famous coastal area or relaxing views of the hotel's rich surrounding gardens. Hotel Bacco is also known for its gourmet restaurant and its romantic, panoramic terrace where you can dine on fine cuisine and admire the enchanting Amalfi landscape.

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