Hotel Aurora

Amalfi Coast, Italy
P.le dei Protontini,7
Amalfi view on map
This wonderful waterfront hotel enjoys a fabulous location in Amalfi. The property is situated right next to a yacht pier and within steps from the major city attractions and places of interest such as the gorgeous Andrea's Cathedral and Chiostro del Paradiso set within just 600 metres. Guests will find themselves within a walking distance from a host of dining options, numerous shopping opportunities and places of interest. Nature lovers may have leisure walks through magnificent sea and mountain landscapes. This charming establishment offers spacious and light-filled rooms and apartments. Each of them is delightfully appointed and is a quintessence of luxury and good taste, offering a complete escape for senses. Apartments come complete with a kitchenette. The establishment also offers transfer, laundry and secretarial services, beach and parking at extra charge.

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