Hotel Bristol Amman

Amman, Jordan
AbdulRahman Alawi Street Jabal Amman P.O Box 142509 Amman 11844 Jordan
Central view on map
This modern and trendy hotel enjoys a convenient location in the heart of the interesting city of Amman, Jordan's capital city with a wide cultural and entertainment offer. Thus, this is the ideal choice of accommodation either when visiting the area on business or leisure. The property is also surrounded by public transport links, allowing easy access to the main parts of the city. The elegantly appointed guest rooms enjoy nice views to the swimming pool or the city and include great features for a comfortable stay, such as a marble private bathroom with a private Jacuzzi in some cases. Guests may enjoy an impressive and tasty on-site dining offer and if they are travelling on business, they might wish to organize their conference or business meeting at the fantastic facilities. Visitors can also keep fit at the marvellous fitness room and afterwards unwind at the outdoor pool.

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