This hotel is located about 1.6 km from the centre of Amstelveen.
The hotel has 314 rooms, which are located on 14 storeys and are reachable by lift. The friendly staff at the reception desk are happy to answer any questions. A baggage storage service, a safe, a playroom, a laundry service and a coin-operated laundry are available. Wireless internet access (no extra charge) allows guests to stay connected while on holiday. The tour desk offers assistance with booking excursions. Guests arriving by car can park their vehicles in the car park for no extra charge. A bicycle hire service gives guests the opportunity to explore the surrounding area independently.
Air conditioning and central heating ensure that rooms maintain comfortable temperatures. Guests are sure to get a good night's sleep in the double bed. Other features include a telephone, satellite television and WiFi (no extra charge). The bathrooms have a shower and a bathtub.
The sports and entertainment facilities at the hotel ensure that guests have plenty of activities to choose from during their stay. The outdoor pool complex provides invigorating refreshment. Leisure activities and facilities at the hotel include cycling/mountain biking or, for a fee, a gym. Copyright GIATA 2004 - 2022. Multilingual, powered by for client no. 124971
There is a breakfast room on the premises. A fortifying breakfast is served daily.
The following credit cards are accepted: American Express, VISA, Diners Club, JCB and MasterCard.
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Hotel facilities
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