Campanile Runcorn

Liverpool, United Kingdom
Lowlands Road - Runcorn WA7 5TP RUNCORN
Runcorn view on map
In Runcorn town centre, this Campanile Hotel is 120 metres from Runcorn Railway Station and 7 minutes' drive from the M56 motorway. The restaurant is a traditional French-style bistro. All rooms have modern decor and satellite TV. The en suite bathrooms have both a bath and a shower. The restaurant serves traditional French and British dishes. The breakfast buffet includes hot items and guests can relax in the bar or on the terrace. The hotel offers outdoor parking and Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel. Luggage storage and shoe-shining services are available. John Lennon Liverpool International Airport is 15 minutes' drive away and the city centre is 35 minutes from the hotel. The River Mersey and the Runcorn Docks are less than a mile away.

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