Guitart Central Park Aqua Resort

Guitart Central Park Aqua Resort

Lloret De Mar, Spain
Near Lloret De Mar Beach view on map
2 adults
The hotel GUITART CENTRAL PARK AQUA RESORT 4* is located approximately 600 m from a beach. The city centre is around 40 km away. The nearest shops you can reach within around 38 km. The hotel is equipped with Wi-Fi, 8 lifts as well as parking spaces.The hotel GUITART CENTRAL PARK AQUA RESORT 4* is located approximately 600 m from a beach. The city centre is around 40 km away. The nearest shops you can reach within around 38 km. The hotel is equipped with Wi-Fi, 8 lifts as well as parking spaces. In the outdoor area you will find a pool (open all year). Furthermore, outside you can find a sun terrace. The energy supply is 220 Volts. If you want to explore the holiday region, you can use the car rental service close to the hotel. Catering Your physical well-being is catered for by a buffet restaurant. Distances Airport: approx. 30 km Hospital: approx. 4 km Sports & Leisure There is the option to play billiards. Also table tennis is offered at the hotel. A sauna (extra fee) awaits you in the hotel`s own wellness area. The hotel also offers massages (extra fee). Additional information The 8-storey hotel has a total of 475 rooms. The hotel staff speak English, German, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish. Check In: 14:30 Check Out: 10:00

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Hotel facilities

Center (distance)
Beach (distance)
Airport (distance)
Rent a Car
Yearly outdoor pool
Hospital (distance)
Next Shops (distance)
Wheelchairs Access
Massage service
Languages Spoken: English
Languages Spoken: Spanish
Languages Spoken: French
Languages Spoken: German
Languages Spoken: Italian
Languages Spoken: Russian

Room facilities

Air Conditioning central

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