Hampton by Hilton Stansted Airport

Hampton by Hilton Stansted Airport

London, United Kingdom
Stansted Airport view on map
The following services and amenities are available, but with reduced service: Fitness Center, Breakfast, On-site Restaurant(s), Room Service.Our Hampton by Hilton London Stansted Airport hotel provides a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Direct terminal access via a covered walkway and great connections to central London make travel easy. Take the covered walkway directly into the London Stansted airport terminal and the train station. Wake up to our hot breakfast included with your stay. Spend time with friends at the on-site bar or try our 3-4-3 menu featuring a mix of international and local dishes. Plan a meeting in one of two spacious boardrooms, with space for up to 12 delegates each. Boardrooms are fully equipped with A/V equipment and more to make your meeting easy and successful. Keep up with your exercise routine in the well-equipped fitness center offering cardio and weights. Print out any last minute work projects in the business center.

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