Rodeway Inn Wesley Chapel

Tampa, United States Of America
Central view on map
Tripadvisor Score: 3.0
The Rodeway Inn (Formerly Comfort Inn) hotel is centrally located minutes from New Tampa, St. Leo University and the University of South Florida. Zephyrhills, Dade City and Land of Lakes are also located close by. Additional area attractions include Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, the Florida State Fairgrounds and the USF Sun Dome, and Hillsborough River State Park and Caladesi Island State Park are just a short drive away. Guests will enjoy the outdoor seasonal pool, and business travellers will appreciate conveniences such as wireless high-speed internet access, lobby computer with internet access, access to fax and copy services, and large work desks in rooms. The meeting room accommodates up to 24 people for most events and business functions.

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