Hotel Diplomat

Tbilisi, Georgia
No. 4 Bolo Aghmarti steet, Tbilisi, Georgia
Near Old Town view on map
When walking through Sololaki, Tbilisi's Old City, guests of the Georgian capital can understand why it is called the "Caucasian Paris". Thanks to this special atmosphere of peace, language mix, and the cosmopolitan architecture of the 19-20th centuries the area is a great place for evening walks and sightseeing, and this charming hotel places its guests right in its middle. The Central area and the historic Sameba Church are a 30-minute drive away, but guests will be able to enjoy peace and tranquillity that can hardly be matched. Each of the soundproofed, air-conditioned rooms are contemporary decorated and come with cosy beds, TVs and work desks. Guests even enjoy their meals at the comfort of their rooms or in the elegant restaurant. The spacious lobby features a lounge area where one can stretch and utilize the complimentary hotel-wide WiFi network.

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