This hotel is located in Tel Aviv. The nearest airport is Tel Aviv Yafo - Sde Dov (SDV).
The hotel has 24 rooms and includes a lift and a 24-hour reception desk. Wireless internet access (no extra charge) is provided to guests. There are a number of shops as well.
Rooms include air conditioning and central heating. Valuables can be securely stored in a safe. For guests' convenience, units include a refrigerator and a mini fridge. An ironing set is provided for guests' convenience. Other features include a telephone and a TV. Bathrooms are appointed with a shower. Family rooms are available for parents with children. Copyright GIATA 2004 - 2021. Multilingual, powered by for client no. 124971
The dining area includes a restaurant and a bar. A delicious breakfast provides energy for the rest of the day.
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Hotel facilities
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