BY14 TLV Hotel

Tel Aviv, Israel
City Centre view on map
This charming venue lets its guests combine exploring the city with a beach holiday. Located within a 5-minute walk from Tel Aviv's promenade and beachfront and around 20 minutes from the major cultural and commercial centres, it is at the perfect place for a perfect weekend getaway. Guests will find a range of restaurants and bars in the immediate vicinity, so they can relax with a chilled drink after a day of sightseeing and enjoy the wonderful weather. The hotel itself also offers a casual bar with a lounge area and treats to a healthy breakfast at the onsite coffee shop. Its fully air-conditioned premises are decorated with a minimalistic vibe and come with all the comforts a modern travellers expect. Plus there are conference facilities and complimentary WiFi Internet access for the business travellers, who need to maintain their workflow even when on the go.

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