Hilton Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv, Israel
Waterfront/beach view on map
This hotel is perched on a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. It is just one minute from the beach, where guests can also watch the yachts come and go at the marina. The hotel has 14 meeting rooms, a business centre and a lobby where travellers can have a cocktail. All guest rooms and public areas have WLAN Internet access. Between meetings, guests can take in sea views from the 17th-floor Executive Lounge, shop till they drop at the Dizengoff Centre or explore Old Jaffa. Guests may also dine on sushi at Yakimono Sushi Bar or Mediterranean dishes at King Solomon. All rooms have wireless Internet access and private balconies. Most have sea views. Guests can relax by the outdoor saltwater swimming pool, or be pampered at the spa by de-stressing with a workout or massage.

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