Hotel 75

Tel Aviv, Israel
Central view on map
Hotel 75 at 75 Allenby St. is located in Tel Aviv's most vibrant area, with easy access to the city's nightlife, entertainment, nightclubs and bars, art scene, beaches, shops, markets and typical Tel Aviv hangouts and city life.So, If you're looking for an affordable, trendy, cozy, upbeat, casual, clean and comfortable hotel in Tel Aviv in a hip 40 room hotel and seeking that authentic Urban experience style – Tel Aviv Hotel 75 is your top choice. In the neighborhood: Hotel 75 is right across the famous Nahalat Binyamin pedestrian mall, down the block from Sheinkin St., around the corner from the Shuk - Carmel Market, Rothschild Blvd and an easy walk to the beach, Dizengoff Center, and Neve Tzedek. (When booking more than 5 rooms, different policies and additional supplements may apply.)

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