Leonardo Boutique Tel Aviv

Leonardo Boutique Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv, Israel
Suburbs/business District Ramat Ha-khayal view on map
Tripadvisor Score: 4.5
This modern and trendy hotel enjoys a privileged location in the centre of Tel Aviv, only a ten-minute drive from the largest convention and events centre in the city. The National Ramat-Gan football stadium is within walking distance, and Tel Aviv University and the Open University of Israel are both within a twenty-minute drive from the hotel. The well-lit and stylishly designed guest rooms feature clean lines and white, fluffy down comforters that contrast with the contemporary black furnishings. Each comes with useful amenities such as an LCD TV, a coffee and tea maker, and wireless internet access. Guests might choose to enjoy a light dairy breakfast in the onsite restaurant and sip a drink in the bar after a busy day of meetings or exploring the city. The hotel also offers a business centre, 24-hour concierge and room service, and a fitness centre with personal trainer upon request, all for a pleasant stay in Tel Aviv. Saturdays, and Jewish holidays, check-in is available from 21:00

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