Liber Tel Aviv Sea Shore Suites

Liber Tel Aviv Sea Shore Suites

Tel Aviv, Israel
Kerem Ateimanim/near Beach view on map
Liber Sea Shore Suites offers affordable self-catering accommodation for singles, couples and families alike. All our apartments are air conditioned, equipped with a kitchenette, offer fast WiFi and cable TV. Daily housekeeping is provided. 6 Alenby is the location of a comfortable and affordable studio apartment featuring a kitchenette, which is fully equipped with a kettle, microwave, and mini-bar. The fully furnished apartment includes a queen sized bed providing accommodation for two. The studio enjoys a convenient location just meters from the beach and Opera Tower. The nearby shops on Shenkin Street and bustling Carmel Market are also well within easy walking distance, as are restaurants and the attractions of Old Jaffa.

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