White Villa Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv, Israel
Near Habima Square view on map
Distinctive among luxury boutique hotels in dynamic Tel Aviv, the White Villa is a peaceful hideaway in the heart of the White City that blends luxury urban sophistication with an old-world charm. Set in a 1940's Le Corbusier inspired house, this thoughtfully restored White Villa has preserved its intimacy of the private residence it once was and offers guests an authentic Tel Aviv experience with exemplary hands-on service. History-rich, authentic and welcoming, White Villa Tel Aviv was once an early 20th century private mansion. Now it's a delectably unique 18-room hotel with handsome bar, a rooftop lounge and fabulous garden terrace, overlooking the Ben Zion Blvd. Unique blending of historical elements with modern references, comfortable and unconventional, the hotel's ambiance proclaims a new standard of Tel Aviv luxury.

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